Contact us whenever you wish to and our personnel in charge will be at your service (call 1544-7797).

Reservation and Accommodation
  • How do I make a room reservation?
    You can do this by clicking [Real-Time Room Reservation] on the website, and you can also make a wired reservation through the Reservation Room (No. 2) after calling the representative number 1544-7797.
  • What is the room rate?
    Room rates vary depending on the date you want to stay, and you can check the amount after specifying the date through real-time room reservation.
  • The price is different from other sites (travel agencies, Wemakef, etc.). Why?
    Since the prices are different for each vendor contracted with this resort, please make a reservation through a convenient channel after comparing the prices.

    However, if you made a reservation through another site, you can change or cancel your reservation through the site, and please note that cancellation and refund policies may be different.
  • When is the consultation available?
    Reservation-related consultations can be made by phone in the reservation office, and are available from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on weekdays. For other inquiries, you can contact the front desk 24 hours a day.
  • Who should I contact if I lose something?
    For lost and found items when using the room, please inquire at the front desk of the resort (call 1 after dialing the main number 1544-7797). Lost and found items will be kept for 6 months from the check-out date, after which it will be handled according to the resort's regulations.
  • Can't use by minors?
    According to the Youth Protection Act, minors (under 19 years of age) can only stay with the consent of their parents or accompanied by their parents.
    If you need accommodation inevitably, visit the website ACCOMODATION ? Please fill out the consent form for minors at the bottom of the room usage guide and submit it together with the documents provided.
  • Can I stay with pets?
    Pet-friendly rooms are not currently available.
  • What is the extra person charge?
    There is no additional charge for extra person, and additional bedding is charged 22,000 won (VAT included) per person.
  • How many people can be added?
    The maximum number of occupants determined by each room type is allowed.
  • We plan to accommodate more than 5 adults. What rooms are available?
    If you use Deluxe Ondol (up to 5 people) or Suite-type rooms (up to 6 people), you can stay in one room.
  • Is there a discount for consecutive nights?
    There is currently no discount promotion for consecutive nights.
  • Until when can I change or cancel the reservation date for free?
    Cancellation is free of charge up to 3 days prior to check-in based on business days (9:00AM to 18:00PM on weekdays). After that, a 30% fee will be charged 2 days before, 70% 1 day before, and 100% cancellation on the day.
  • Can I extend my night stay?
    It is possible depending on the availability of rooms for the date you wish to extend.
Room related
  • What is the difference between Deluxe Double and Deluxe Family Twin rooms?
    All of the deluxe-type rooms are 15 square meters and 1.5 rooms. The deluxe double has 1 queen bed in the living room and bedroom, and the small room is ondol. The standard occupancy is 2 people and a maximum of 4 people is allowed. It is recommended for families traveling with children who need an ondol room.

    Deluxe Family Twin has 2 queen beds in each room, and the standard and maximum occupancy are 4 people. Recommended for travelers consisting of those who prefer a bed.
  • What is the difference between deluxe type and suite type?
    Deluxe-type rooms (double/family/ondol) have a 1.5-room structure of 15 pyung, and suite-type rooms (family suite/family suite ondol) have a two-room structure of 30 pyung. The suite-type room is equipped with a bathtub and consists of a living room and two bedrooms.
  • Can I specify the room floor and room?
    Room allocation is on a first-come, first-served basis at the front desk, and the floor and room cannot be designated. Please inquire at the front desk at check-in to make adjustments, but please understand that it is difficult to confirm.
  • Is WIFI available in the room?
    Free WIFI is available in all rooms.
  • Does the room have a bathtub?
    Deluxe type rooms only have a shower, while suite type rooms have a bathtub.
Related facilities
  • Is there a shuttle bus available?
    Shuttle bus service information varies depending on the period. Please check the shuttle bus service information.
  • Where is the nearest train station?
    Gangneung Station (KTX) is about 25km away from the resort, and it takes about 30 minutes by car (taxi cost about 36,000 won) and about 2 hours by public transportation using a city bus.
  • Where is the nearest terminal?
    Jumunjin Intercity Bus Terminal is about 10km from the resort, and it takes about 15 minutes by car (taxi cost about 12,000 won) and about 1 hour by public transportation using a city bus.