Hot Spring Sauna

※ The operation time and the price can change due to changes in the field.

Operation time and amount

Operation time

2022. 09. 01 ~ Daily 08:00 – 22:00 (last admission 21:00)


First floor of the main building


powder/locker room internal sauna: warm bath and cool bath, sitting shower, standing shower outdoor hot spring: hot spring and Jacuzzi




Division normal price lodgers local
Adults (middle school and up) 44,000won 22,000won 14,000won
Children (36 month-elementary) 28,000won 14,000won 10,000won
Under 36 month free


Powder: toner, lotion, body lotion, hair gel, hair spray, hair wax (men only)
sauna: Shampoo, conditioner, bodywash


Please follow these instructions for your safety and comfort
  • If the max capacity is exceeded, there will be waiting time
  • Facility usage can be denied due to health reasons, skin diseases and others
  • Valuable items should be deposited at the reception area and if they are not, we are not responsible for their loss
  • Children under 12 years need to have a patron
  • Children under 24 months should wear a waterproof diaper
  • Intoxicated usage of the facility can be prohibited due to safety reasons
  • Since floor is wet, be careful with slippery floors
  • Man, and female customers above five years of age cannot share the bath together
  • Please clean up after yourself for other patrons


The N Resort Hotel&Spa’s hot spring leisure facility SPA ON(溫) is a natural hot spring coming up from 823m under ground and it is an low alkalescency hot spring with many natural minerals.
With more than 1000 tons of hot spring water daily, we provide hot spring saunas and open-air hot springs, giving you the best rest you can experience.


The N Resort SPA ON(溫) hot spring source’s temperate is 37.1 Celsius.
Water properties have sodium bicarbonate, potassium, calcium and carbonic acid.
It is a low alkalescency hot spring with lot of natural minerals pumped from 828m underground.
This natural hot spring pumped from 2 boreholes is a hot spring with no colors and smell and it is good for fatigue, skin conditions, neuralgia, muscle aches and many others.
section 1 borehole 2 borehall
Location 47-10 Jeonpomae-ri 47-7 Jeonpomae-ri
Recommended pumping amount (㎥/day) 602 450
Water quality type Na-HCO3 Na-HCO3
pH 8.26 8.43
Elution temperature(℃) 37.1 29.9


  • It increases human body’s natural healing ability and excellent for getting rid of stress and fatigue
  • It is good for getting rid of pain and activating body metabolism by warming your body up for a long time
  • Activates your immune system so it is good for preventing adult disease and cancer
  • It gives you soft and elastic skin, so it is good for your skincare.
Blood circulation
Warm hot spring increases you body temperature and increases your body metabolism, helping with your blood circulation
Getting rid of
Chronic fatigue
Increased blood circulation gets rid of lactic acid and other wastes helping you to get rid of constant fatigues
Mitigating pain and
When your body becomes warm, veins open and there is increase in your white cell numbers, so it helps with various kind of inflammation and pain
Skin care
Silica (SiO2) in the hot spring is a vital building block for skin, hair and nails. It helps with skincare by giving you bouncy and soft skin.
Fortifying your immune system
and preventing diseases
When your body temperature goes up in 1 Celsius, your immune system gets 5 time stronger. Hot spring baths increases your body temperature, gives you stronger immune system and prevents you from getting various diseases.
Calming your mind and
getting rid of stress
A warm bath helps you to get rid of tension while increasing your cell’s activities, giving your body and heart vitality it needs. Manganese and Zinc in the hot spring water have properties of coming you down, helping with your stress.