Reservation Guide

  • A confirmation of your reservation details will be sent via text message.
  • To confirm/modify/cancel your reservation, click “real-time make/check reservation” and refer to “check reservation details” at the top. If you made your reservation via Naver, please refer to Naver to check or modify your details.
  • Room rates may vary by date. See real-time room reservations to find room prices.
  • Restaurant and other facilities are subject to change in cost according to operation conditions of the resort.
  • (All room rates are VAT-inclusive)
Reservation and inquiries
  • If you have any inquiries, you can get detailed information from the person in charge.
    - Tel : 1544-7797
    - E-mail :
Modify or cancel reservation
  • Refer to refund policy below to modify or cancel your reservation.
    - Before 18:00 3 days prior to check-in : 100% refund
    - Before 18:00 3 days prior to check-in ~ before 18:00 2 days prior to check-in: 30% cancellation fee of at least 1 room rate
    - 18:00 ~ before 18:00 1 day prior to check-in: 70% cancellation fee of first night of accommodation
    - After 18:00 1 day prior to check-in or no-show: 100% cancellation fee for first night of accommodation
  • If the reason for no-show is of public transportation failures such as complications with the train or with aircraft, or due to extenuating circumstances outside of customer responsibility, cancellation fee will be waivered accordingly.
  • Parking lot on ground floor is available for use.
  • Check-in 15:00 PM
  • Check-out 11:00 PM
  • smoking is prohibited in all rooms
  • Cooking is prohibited in room.
  • According to National Health Promotion Act, smoking in non-smoking premise on resort will result in fine up to KRW 100,000.
  • Pets are only permitted in pet-friendly rooms.
  • Minors unaccompanied by adults must submit accommodation compliance letter and other supporting documents.
  • Please be mindful of other guests and refrain from creating unreasonable noise and excessive use of alcohol or entertainment.